These authors and thinkers are envisioning how the human race will be able to survive and reach its best possible potential through the balance of the 21st century into the 22nd. This list will continue to grow.


Perspective Shift Exercise - Reframe your thinking.

Charles and Ray Eames. Short Film. "Powers of Ten"
A pair of picnikers are seen from 3 feet up, then 3feet to the power of ten, until it reaches ten to the fifteenth power, out beyond our galazy. Then, back down to the original point and in to the subatomic level.

Powers of Ten

Lester Brown founded the Worldwatch Institute and the Earth Policy Institute. Plan B 2.0 Mobilizing to Save the Planet, in its various versions, is a series of works, that goes beyond being a book. He spent many years traveling the globe and searching out examples of forward thinking people whose work could really form the basis of a better way into the future.

Preview for PBS "Mobilizing to Save Planet Earth"

E. O. Wilson is a leading biologist. His books warning of the damage that is being done to the biosphere of earth are something to consider seriously. In his book, HALF EARTH, he proposes that what it will take to save the planteary biosphere is nothing less that setting aside About half the planet for humans and half for the rest of life. Startling and well argued.

Dennis Meandows, says, "We don't consider climate change to be the problem. It's a symptom."
He is reflecting on the anniversary of the publication of "Limits to Growth" in 1972, which he co-authored with Donnella Meadows. Now that it has been over 45 years since publication, some things can be said about the work and its continuing relevance.

Dennis Meadows reflects

Dennis Meadows